Hi, I'm Josnin!

I'm a passionate full stack dev based in Singapore.

Welcome to my online space for coding adventures, creative projects, and open-source contributions.

Project item
Shop for all your needs - E-commerce Web Application. (Angular / GraphQL / Django)
Project item
Basic GraphQL Api for creating Ecommerce site. (GraphQL / Django / Python)
Project item
A WhatsApp Web Clone Chat Application. (Javascript/Django)
Project item
turns Rest APIs into real-time data streams. (Vue/FastApi)
Project item
A lightweight (~5.3kb) library for building Web Components. (Typescript)
Project item
A lightweight and simple-to-use web components router in Vanilla JavaScript. (Typescript)
Project item
Create dynamic and interactive forms effortlessly! (Typescript)
Project item
SG Carpark, Display Car Park in Map (Angular)
Project item
Static site generator written in Python (Python)

Blogging Journey

Explore insights, tips, and thoughts on web development, design, and tech. Some content is AI-generated and reviewed for accuracy.

Dive in and feel free to reach out with questions or feedback at josnin.dev@gmail.com